Saturday, January 26, 2008

Travelling North

So- I made it out of Los Angeles thank goodness. No wonder everyone is taking 'anxiety pills' and checking in to rehab, the city was close to swallowing my soul. Despite this I had a wonderful week at Jigsaw. Everyone was really friendly and I learnt alot being part of the office.

Following a hard weeks work I left LAX on Friday night destined for San Francisco. I was flying Delta on the smallest plane known to man. The flight was extremely rough and I swear there were afew small moments of nose-diving and some serious rocking. Fortunately I made it (3 hours later than scheduled) and had a wonderful day in San Francisco. I walked down to Union Square and then on to the Museum of Modern Art, which was incredible. I walked up through China Town and down to Fishermans Warf. From there I took a boat trip around Alkatraz and under the Golden Gate Bridge.

Tomorrow evening, after another day exploring the city I fly up to Portland to see a friend for afew days. It should be really good, though I'm expecting the weather to be a little colder up there.

I hope everyone at home is doing well. Cannot believe it is only just over 4 weeks until I get home, scary, scray thoughts.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

was it good? i really really need to leave this country and go to san fran!
cant wait to see you in 4 weeks.